Gallery of Links
Throughout my teaching experience, I have had the opportunity to explore online resources that support the learning development of my students or have helped ease the role of the educator. The links provided on this page are resources used within my own classroom and are recommended for practice at home. Some of the applications require a school login to access the site while others are free use for all! I divided the links into two categories below: Tool for Kids! and Tools for Teachers!
Freckle is an online application that students can use to practice math, language arts, science, and social studies skill sets. After completion of pre-tests, students receive practice tasks at differentiated levels. As students work through their learning, they are provided with additional resources such as videos and lessons that guide and support their understanding.
Seesaw provides a platform for students to create online digital portfolios that can be shared with family and friends. Through Seesaw, students can post their learning on our private classroom account through images, videos, recordings, and drawings. Students and teachers can interact directly through comments to provide feedback and next steps.
Tools for
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Starfall is a free application that supports the development of reading and mathematics skills in a very kid-friendly manner. Students can learn about letters and sounds through playful songs and rhymes. They can also engage with learning through games and activities that teach students learning can be fun. This resource is specifically useful for English Language Learners.
Using our school account, Raz-kids opens the world to a digital library that can be accessed at school or at home. This reading resource serves as a leveled library where students can practice reading skills at their "just right" level. Through Raz-kids, students can read and listen to a variety of text as they strengthen reading fluency, automaticity, and comprehension.
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Write About This is a writing resource where kids can strengthen writing skills through the use of visual writing prompts, images, and recordings. Students can select a topic from a library of writing prompts or create their very own by uploading personalized photos. This gives students a choice in their writing and boosts creativity. Finished products can be imported to Seesaw and shared with others!
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If you're looking for a fun way to extend a writing prompt, Chatterpix is the way to go! After writing a story from the perspective of someone else, students can upload pictures, cut open the mouth, and record their story as their animation begins talking! This creative twist helps students to step in the shoes of others and understand how to write from differing perspectives!
After logging into our school account, students can use IXL to explore various math skills that align with our mathematics curriculum. Not only can students practice math facts, but IXL also provides an interactive piece through which students can use manipulatives to support their thinking process. With each math unit, I send home a family letter to showcase which strands align to our current unit.
Prodigy is a highly-interactive and engaging math game that will have your child asking to play more! Prodigy is set-up similar to a video game in style but requires students to practice at-level math "duels" as they complete with others in a virtual world. This resource aligns with mathematics standards and can be set to meet a student's specific needs. It provides standards from Grade 1- Grade 8!
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Math Playground, as envisioned by the title, is a playground for learning! The site gives students access to academic games and mind puzzles that pushes kids to better understand math concepts. Students can explore (but not limited to) anything from story problems to fractions, geometry, time, addition, and money. It also has a feature in which students can use visual math tools to enhance learning!
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Remind is an easy to use communication application that creates a direct line between educators and families. Parents of students can sign-up to receive reminders of upcoming events or important classroom information that pops up as a text message to their phones. Remind also provides a two-way messaging system that allows for quick interaction so parents can reach the teacher as well!
Signup Genius is another communication tool that helps organize any events that families may need to "sign up" for. This resources allows teachers to create a site that can be shared with classroom families and allows for parents to interactive by selecting slots of interest. I use this resource for parents to sign up for conferences so they can see what is still available or when collecting items for classroom parties!
Pear Deck is a Google Slide Add-On that assists in creating interactive presentations through which teachers can provide instruction. Pear Deck has a variety of features that supports purposeful integration such as the inclusion of videos/animations, open-ended questions, and formative assessment tasks. Through the use of Pear Deck, students can move at their individual pace and engagement rises!
Tools for
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