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Annotated Transcript

This page of my portfolio is designed to provide a list of the courses, aligned with matching descriptions, taken as part of my Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program at Michigan State University. This annotated transcript is listed in chronological order based on the semester taken, ranging from Fall 2014 to my current Capstone course in Summer 2019. For each course you will find: the course number and title, a direct link to the course description on Michigan State's page, the course instructors, and a brief overview of my experience while in the course. For further information on my personal products of such courses, visit my showcase page here.

Course Abbreviations:


TE=Teacher Education


CEP=Counseling, Education Psychology, & Special Education 

Fall 2014

TE 802

Reflection & Inquiry in Teaching Practices I


Instructor: Carla Shalaby

This was my first graduate level course taken during my student-teaching internship year at Michigan State University. TE 802 focused on the exploration of teaching practices, the development of research based lesson plans, and the reflection of such practices in the classroom. During this course, I had the opportunity to apply teaching practices in my internship classroom in real time, execute unit plans developed during the course, and make changes to improve my teaching practice for myself and my students.

Spring 2015

TE 803

Professional Roles & Teaching Practices II


Instructor: Joy Oslund


TE 803 was also a course taken during my student-teaching internship year. Through this course I had the opportunity to evaluate my professional role as an educator within my school, district, community, and society. I learned about the value in developing trusting student-teacher relationships and the influence of understanding and incorporating the diverse backgrounds of my students in the classroom. During this course, I worked on an independent case study with a student and reflected on my ethical practices.

TE 804

Reflection & Inquiry in Teaching Practices II


Instructor: Andrea Varricchione

This was the final course taken during my student-teaching internship year. This course continued to deepen my knowledge of teaching practices and allowed for practice within my internship classroom. In TE 804, I created and conducted an inquiry-led research project that focused on students understanding wants and needs. Following the research project, I evaluated my teaching choices and worked to identify areas of improvement. With the completion of this course, I sought the beginning of my teaching career and felt prepared for my own classroom.

Summer 2018

CEP 810

Teaching with Technology for Understanding


Instructors: Mary Wever  & Deborah McHorney


This course was the first taken as part of the Masters of Educational Technology program at Michigan State University and served as credit towards receiving my Educational Technology certificate. CEP 810 provided some of my first interactions with exploring technology use in my own classroom and helped to build foundational knowledge. I learned how to purposefully integrate technology to enhance student understanding through understanding current theories and testing my own skills with technology. During this course, I began my first blog through which I documented my experience. 

CEP 811

Adapting Innovative Technologies in Education


Instructors: Rachel Matz & Melissa White

Continuing to build upon my knowledge of educational technology, CEP 811 pushed me to explore the world of Maker Education and the importance that inquiry plays in the classroom. I was able to expand my toolbox of innovative technology, collaborate with peers, make shifts in mindsets, redesign my learning space,  and consider changes to my current teaching practice. I was alerted of the importance of assessing the creative process and breaking down multidisciplinary boundaries within my classroom. I was introduced to a Makey-Makey kit and designed lessons to incorporate it into the classroom.

CEP 812 was the last course taken to acquire my certificate in Educational Technology. This course focused on how technology could be used to address the many problems in our educational system as I dug into the impact of questioning, curiosity, and passion. I had the opportunity to evaluate my own personal info-diet and analyze the information I took in. Through this course, I also examined the wicked problem of personalized learning through extensive research and sought out possible solutions for educators trying to incorporate it into their own classrooms.

Fall 2018

CEP 822

 Approaches to Educational Research


Instructors: Michael Lachney  & Emily Bovee


In CEP 822, I was immersed into the world of educational research. This course allowed me to conduct my own personal research in my classroom, proving to be valuable knowledge for both myself and my students. Through the exploration of course text and professor assistance, I was supported in selecting a research topic of choice, designing a reasonable research plan, creating protocol instruments, collecting data from my field, and going through in-depth analysis that connected my findings to my practice. My action research plan focused on the impact of daily sight word homework on student reading performance, specifically regarding growth on student running records.

Spring 2019

CEP 846

Accommodating Differences in Literacy Learners


Instructor: Laura Tortorelli


CEP 846 was selected as an elective course within my program and will contribute to my reading requirements towards my teaching certificate renewal. This course provided a close up look at reading instruction, research-based reading practices, and reading strategies to support differing readers. I also examined how reading assessments could be used to direct future instruction. Across the semester, I conducted a literacy case study with a student from my class. This case study detailed the learning needs of my student and supported him in developing letter and sound identification. 

Summer 2019

CEP 800

Psychology of Learning in School & Other Settings


Instructors: Diana Brandon & Brooke Thomas


In this course, regarding the psychology of learning in school and other settings, I delve into my personal understanding of what "learning" is by viewing different theories of learning. Each week, I was exposed to new knowledge that shaped the direction of my own theory of learning. Through discussions with my peers and various learning modes (Pinterest, videos, Flipgrid, etc.), I inspected what factors hinder and facilitate learning. I then considered the implications of different ways of learning to develop my teaching philosophy.

CEP 807

Capstone in Educational Technology


Instructors: Matt Koehler & Aric Gaunt


CEP 807 serves as the Capstone course for the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program at Michigan State University. This is the final course to wrap up my graduate journey. CEP 807 provided me the freedom to weave together my creativity and technological skills to create my final project, an online portfolio that displays my personal learning experience. Each week, I created new elements of my portfolio that provided an overall picture of who I am as a learner and educator. Based upon direct feedback, I made changes to better my product.

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