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Graduate Showcase

This page showcases my learning journey through Michigan State University's Master of Arts in Educational Technology Program (MAET) program. Though my journey I had the opportunity to explore my role as an educator and learner though intentional use of technology. Surprisingly, I discovered these were not the only roles I took on. In being an educator, we wear many hats. Sometimes, however, we expect students to take on daring roles without doing so ourselves. This program and my work challenged my thinking and forced me into roles that I would not necessarily identify with: a maker, a problem-solver, and a researcher. For this reason, I have organized my showcase into these three sections to remind educators to step outside the "classroom" and be makers, be problem-solvers, and be researchers.


Click on the artifact image to view the piece in it's entirety! 

Be a Maker

Put on your maker hat and push your creativity! Explore your world by tinkering, making, creating, repurposing, and playing. This section of my showcase focuses on work that focused on my role as a maker. Understanding the Maker Movement in education inspired me to incorporate making into my own classroom.


Maker Remix

Creation: Remix Video

Through my first experience with WeVideo, I explored the maker culture through video production. This video represents my view of the maker culture and the impact it had on me. I reflected on my own fears and the things that hindered me from becoming a maker. I created this video as a remix, piecing together small portions of different clips to create a new video to show that we are all makers! This idea of remixing contributes to creativity and community. The video highlights the many environments, tools, and age involved with making. Visit my blog post to learn even more about this creation!


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Creation: Syllable Drumset

In this video, you will see how I created a Syllable Drumset using a Makey Makey Circuit Kit and repurposed items for learning use. This was designed after much tinkering with the kit and research on proper implementation. I designed a lesson plan around this creation, the concept of syllables, and connected it to my personal teaching practice. In this lesson, students will practice counting out the "beats" or syllables of multi-syllabic words. My full experience of my creation process is documented in my full blog post. Check it out here!

Classroom Redesign

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Creation: Flexible Space

This blog post details my experience in creating the ideal learning space for my first graders. My classroom creation, designed through the use of SketchUp, centered around my learning about experience design and student-centered learning. Our space includes spaces for collaboration, flexible seating, cool colors, and ample space for showcasing student thinking. I considered the 6 elements of design and looked at our learning space from different angles. I believe classroom design impacts the learning environment you create with your learners! 

Be a Problem-Solver

Put on your problem-solver hat and seek solutions! Own your part in identifying real problems within our profession and working towards realistic solutions. This section of my showcase focuses on work that focused on my role as a problem-solver. Through these pieces I learned not to be content with relying on others (policy makers) to solve our problems!


MakerEd Movement



How do we inform and inspire educators around the MakerEd Movement?


After learning about the Maker Movement in the educational field, I was inspired to not only become a maker myself but to promote making in my classroom. This movement empowers learners and encourages creativity. Learners can explore tools in an authentic experience. I created this infographic using Piktochart in hopes of inspiring other educators to join the movement and spread the knowledge I have gained. The infographic includes details clarifying what the Maker Movement is, the benefits of the movement, some tips on implementation, and ideas on Maker classroom design. 

Personalized Learning



How do we address the wicked problem of personalized learning in education?


This Prezi presentation was created by my group and I as a way to address the wicked problem of personalized learning in education. We developed this presentation as a means to deeply analyze this problem, flesh out details of what personalized learning is, and sought possible solutions. We formatted a Professional Development opportunity for educators. Our course provides a learning experience during which they will gain knowledge about personalized learning, attend break-out sessions to observe successful classrooms, explore technology tools, and collaborate with peers.

21st Century Lesson Plan

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How do we teach digital literacies across subjects?


As a means to address our problem with teaching digital literacies, I developed a complete 21st Century Lesson Plan focused around Social Studies concepts and the integration of the ipad application Write About This. During this lesson students will analyze the community they live in, create community tours though digital images and text, and share these tours with another community through the application, Seesaw. This lesson not only covers social studies curriculum but will also intertwine reading strategies and writing concepts taught throughout the school year. 

Be a Researcher


Put on your researcher hat and obtain new information to make informed decisions! As educators, we know our learning is never finished. Be sure to continue your own life-long journey of learning while promoting that journey with your students. This section of my showcase focuses on the research work that impacts my practice!

Literacy Case Study

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Working with a student in my first grade classroom, I used diagnostic assessments to identify areas of learning needs. I then used this information to develop two lesson plans that addressed letter and sound identification. In the development of my plan, I researched assessments and strategies proven to have successful transfer. My lesson plans incorporated research-based interventions to support my student in reaching appropriately set targets. I designed both lesson after the Enhanced Alphabet Knowledge model. 

Theory of Learning


This document reflects my personal theory of learning. I used this piece to outline my idea of what learning is, what facilitates learning, and what hinders learning. These beliefs are based upon personal experiences, the history of learning, and in-depth research on the different views of learning. My theory of learning is a living document that showcases my change in thinking and includes my inner-thoughts behind making such changes. 


Philosophy of Teaching


In direct connection with my personal theory of learning, came my first draft of my philosophy of teaching. Based upon my research and own theory, I identified five principles to guide and influence my teaching practice. This work outlines each principle and details specific ways in which it will impact my practice. By developing my theory of learning, I had the opportunity to reflect on the direct implications those beliefs would have in my classroom.

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